Assessments of InDividual behaviour Analysed critically (AIDA)

Research Project funded by the European Commission (FP7)


AIDA Project


Public lectures

Media reports


Radio, audio and online interviews

LSE Festival: Beveridge 2.0. Who Belongs? Can we Afford to be Different? Video podcast, London School of Economics (LSE), 24.02.2018.  [LSE Download page]
[Download video | mp3 | 40.5 MB | 1 hour 27 minutes]

LSE public events who belongs together

LSE Public Lecture, How we judge others' personality: Gender, ethnicity and questionnaires, Podcast, 08.06.2017
[Download Audio | mp3 | 39.9 MB | 1 hour 28 minutes]

LSE Public Lecture Dr Jana Uher 08 June 2017

Print and online media

Smash up the boxes. Freshers: First impressions. The University Paper, 19.09.2017

De eerste indruk die we op iemand maken, strookt vaak niet met wie we echt zijn. Knack Weekend, 28.06.2017

Looking to solve the replication crisis in psychology? Limitations of questionnaire methods must be considered. Science blog, 13.05.2016

What is Personality? Science blog, 11.04.2016

Introspection put back on its feet: New research reveals conceptual leap. Science blog, 12.10.2015

 European Commission 7FP      Marie Curie Programme      LSE



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